Angelo Del Vecchio

© All Rights Reserved by Angelo Del Vecchio

Pisano per nascita e per vocazione, fotografa da circa 35 anni: reportage, fotografia naturalistica e sportiva sono i suoi modi preferiti per esprimersi, sia in analogico che in digitale. Ha all’attivo pubblicazioni su stampa di settore, proiezioni multimediali e svariate mostre personali a tema in tutto il territorio nazionale. Campione del mondo a squadre di fotografia naturalistica e a tema libero in ambito F.I.A.F. Organizza corsi di fotografia e workshop tematici a vari livelli. Ha ottenuto innumerevoli riconoscimenti in concorsi per immagini in Europa, Asia, America e Oceania. La sua concezione di fotografia è “interpretare un attimo, unico ed irripetibile” e si definisce un cacciatore di attimi.

He is Pisan by birth, blood and belonging. Professional photographer since the early 80s, he mainly works in digital but doesn’t disdain analog photography either. His trademarks are: reportage, sports and wildlife photography. His work has been published in several trade magazines, and he has exposed in many personal and collective exhibitions throughout Italy. Angelo won several photographic awards in Europe, Asia, U.S.A. and Oceania. He also is world champion for team naturalistic photography, as well as world champion for team free subject photography competitions organized by F.I.A.F. (Italian Federation of Photographic Associations). He is a brilliant and entertaining photography teacher (his classes are never boring!) and he often organizes photography workshops and seminars. When it comes to his philosophy on photography itself, he says “it’s the interpretation of a single, unique and unrepeatable moment” and he defines himself as a “moment-hunter”.